In 1988, word of a devastating cholera outbreak in a south Delhi slum reached a young doctor who, inspired by her faith, trekked into the heart of the slum and went to work—saving one life after another. Building on this initiative, she began to identify more ways to help beyond medical care, recruited like-minded helpers and launched the Asha Community Health and Development Society.
Today, approximately 700,000 people in over 95 slums in Delhi benefit from the work that Dr. Kiran Martin started all those years ago. Friends of Asha USA was founded to support these efforts by bringing together people from all walks of life to tackle issues of urban poverty in Delhi.
Today, approximately 700,000 people in over 95 slums in Delhi benefit from the work that Dr. Kiran Martin started all those years ago. Friends of Asha USA was founded to support these efforts by bringing together people from all walks of life to tackle issues of urban poverty in Delhi.
- Mrs Louanne Hempton
- Dr Jean Peteet
- Dr Peter Choo
- Dr Nalini Prasad
- Mr Manmohan Passi
- Ms Mandy Hildenbrand
- Dr Kiran Martin
- Mr Godfrey Martin